A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Benefits Distribution in China-U.S. Trade during 1978-2007

Guo Qiyou  and Wang Chunlei
Department of Economics, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China

Abstract: The Sino-U.S. trade imbalance and the related debate on RMB appreciation have attracted much attention in recent years. Judging objectively, however, the trade imbalance does not necessarily result in an imbalance in the distribution of trade benefits. By analyzing the distribution of benefits in Sino-U.S. trade from 1978 to 2007, this paper finds that bilateral trade has brought positive benefits to both sides, differentially in terms of production and consumption. Simply put, China has gained benefits for production yet suffered in terms of consumption, whereas the opposite is true for the U.S.. Moreover, even during periods in which the U.S. experienced a trade deficit, its citizens gained larger total individual benefits than those in a period of trade surplus. We argue, therefore, that appreciation of the RMB would reduce the trade benefits for both sides by almost the same margin, bringing little benefit to the United States.
Key words: Sino-U.S. trade, benefit distribution, RMB appreciation


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