How much has China achieved in the first three years of its 11th Five-Year Plan?

The Research Group of the Division of Economics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

In the first three years of implementing the 11th Five-Year Plan, China had progressed toward fulfillment of most of the key targets on schedule. The economic growth rate far exceeded expectations, and the Chinese economy continued to gain fast growth momentum; China met expectations with regard to people’s living standards and public services and delivered remarkable results in social development and improvement of people’s livelihood; China met expectations with regard to most resource and environmental indicators and to some extent enhanced its sustainable development capabilities. However, the economic development mode needs urgent transformation, as economic structural contradictions remain acute; China faces increasing resource and environmental pressures and mounting difficulties to meet energy consumption reduction targets. On these bases, this report put forward policy suggestions for the policy arrangement of the 12th Five-Year Plan.

Key words: 11th Five-Year Plan, implementation results


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