Renminbi internationalization lacks micro base


Institute for the World Economy, Fudan University


The current global financial crisis’s severity is rarely seen once in a century. Due to a lack of liquidity-attracting new industries, the economic adjustment might be prolonged; and the multiplier effects of international finance and international trade call for joint rescue plans on a global basis. China’s recent price adjustment has proven a failure and its domestic consumption-stimulating policy is ineffective. Investments and exports remain the growth engine for China’s economy. So the country should make efforts to maintain export competitiveness with output adjustment, restoration of interest rate parity and reduction of the tax rate parity. Internationalization of the U.S. dollar-permeated renminbi is not a sensible choice, as the renminbi is not, in essence, an international currency, and it lacks a micro-foundation.

Key Words: financial crisis, international monetary system, price adjustment, domestic consumption-stimulation, renminbi internationalization


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