It Is Time to Emphasize Social Fairness

Liu Guoguang

Editorial note:

“Giving priority to efficiency while taking fairness into account” has been the keynote of party and government documents regarding social distribution for many years and lasted until the Third Plenary Session of the Sixteenth Central Committee in October, 2003. In September 2004, the expression “Giving priority to efficiency” did not appear in documents from the Fourth Plenary Session. In October 2005, it was officially replaced by “more emphasis upon social fairness so that the whole population can enjoy the accomplishments of reform and development” in the ‘Proposals of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee with regard to the Formulation of the Eleventh Five Year Plan for the National Economy and Social Development’ passed on the Fifth Plenary Session. What are the implications of this change and how do the two sayings differ from each another? This article by Mr. Liu Guoguang, an economics expert, will help to guide readers through this issue.


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