China’s Economic Growth Faces a New International Environment

HUANG Hai-zhou

Editorial note:

Driving force in world economic growth. The coming decade, however, heralds a new international environment Growth Faces A New International Environment international environment of China’s economic growth, analyzes the trends in international markets of oil, food and raw materials, and concludes that in order to sustain growth, China must further take advantage of the international market, lose no time in nurturing her own financial market and financial institutions, and attempt to establish her position as a pricing centre in the global raw materials futures market. This article concisely maps out how the international market will affect China’s economic growth in the long and challenges for China’s economic development. This paper, entitled “China’s Economic Increasingly integrated into economic globalization, China has become a major ” by Huang Hai-zhou,i elaborates on the long-term run and provides inspiration regarding how to take advantage of globalization while avoiding its pitfalls.


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