Comparison of BRICs’ service sectors’ competitiveness

ZHANG Guoqiang  and ZHENG Jianghuai

Department of Indurstrial Economics, School of Economics, Nanjing University

This paper presents an empirical comparison of the service sectors in China, Brazil, Russia and India from the perspectives of overall level, internal structure and international competitiveness. The results show that compared with India, Brazil and Russia, China’s service sector constitutes a smaller proportion of the national economy and there is a relatively low proportion of modern services in its service sector. The latter is more likely to affect China’s industrial upgrade. In addition, it’s an undisputed fact that China’s service exports have weaker overall international competitiveness than India’s and are mainly low technology-intensive products. China’s industrial policy should focus on optimizing its service structure, accelerating the development pace of modern services and enhancing the international competitiveness of its service sector.

Key words:

BRIC, service sector, international competitiveness


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