Mineral resources and constraints on China’s economic growth*

LI Gang ( 李钢 )1, CHEN Zhi ( 陈志 )2 and CUI Yun ( 崔云 )3
1 Associate Professor and Ph.D. in Economics of the Institute of Industrial Economics of CASS
2 Ph.D. in Economics of the Institute of Science and Technology for Industrial Development of CASTED
3 Ph.D. in Economics of the Institute of Marxism of CASS

Editorial Note:In recent years, resources have increasingly become a hot topic, while economic growth
remains the dominant theme; therefore, the environment, resources and economic growth have become important
related subjects for economists. Industry constitutes the largest part of China’s national economy in terms of
output value, whose growth largely determines overall economic growth. After considering resources factors, the
author concludes that China’s industrial growth is still resource-driven. This article is trying to explain what kind
of constraint will be imposed on China’s economy by mineral resources.


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