Prospects for China’s Industrial Development and Restructuring during 2011-2015

HE Yingkun  1, WANG Qing 2 and XIAO Hongjun 2

1Department of Industrial Policy, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
2Institute of Industrial Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Abstract: China’s industrialization is currently in the second half of the intermediate stage and is moving rapidly towards the late stage. It is expected that China’s industrial level will reach the first half of the late industrialization stage during the 12th Five-Year Plan period. Meanwhile, China’s heavy industries will grow, advanced manufacturing will accelerate, strategic emerging industries will be rapidly cultivated and interaction between informationization and industrialization will gain momentum. As regards industry restructuring, outmoded industries will be phased out in favor of advanced industries; merging and reorganization as well as differentiated development of large enterprises and SMEs will be the keystone of industrial organization adjustment; technical renovation and independent innovation will be the focus of adjustment of the technical structure; and the industrial layout will highlight agglomerated development, implementation of coastal development strategies and construction of primary function areas.

Key Words: China’s industry, industrial development and restructuring


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