Is Chinese industry modernized? -Analysis of modernization in China’s 15 key industries*

CHEN Jiagui1 (陈佳贵) and HUANG Qunhui2 (黄群慧)
1Vice President, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
2Research Fellow, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Based on the construction of an evaluation indictor system, this paper analyzes the modernization levels of 15 industries included in China’s five industry categories: energy, high-tech, medium high-tech, medium low-tech and low-tech industries. Our research reaches five conclusions. First, the level of modernization of the shipbuilding, iron and steel, and petroleum industries has achieved 50% of the advanced level globally, and these three industries have covered half of the modernization process. Second, the level of industrial modernization of the electric power, computer manufacturing and textile industries has exceeded the overall level in China, and now approaches 50% of the advanced level globally. Third, the level of industrial modernization of the chemical industry is also higher than the whole level in China. Fourth, the modernization level of the cement, coal mining and lathe industries is the lowest. This level is under the Chinese overall level of industrial modernization, and has not achieved 30% of the advanced level globally, which is to say that these three industries have not covered a third of the modernization process. Lastly, the industrial modernization level of the pharmaceutical, telecommunication equipment, automobile, food and papermaking industries is equivalent to the whole level of Chinese industrial modernization, and has basically finished a third of the modernization course.
Key words:
Industrial modernization; Evaluation; Chinese industry


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