Mechanism of Structural Transformation of China’s Technology Export

CHEN Xiaohua 1,2 , HUANG Xianhai 2and LIU Hui 3

1 School of Economics and Management, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, China
2 School of Economics, Zhejiang University, China

3 School of Economics and Management, Southeast University, China

Extending Long’s (2001) two-sector model into a three-sector model, this paper constructs a new framework for analysing the evolution mechanism of the structure of technology exports. The authors also have applied an adjusted Hausman model to measure the structure of exported technology at China’s provincial level regions. Upon this foundation, approaching the subject from its domestic and international impact factors, this paper empirically tests the motives driving the structural transformation of China’s technology export. The conclusions are: (1) the structure of China’s technology export has improved significantly in recent years, but not as highly as measured by Rodrik (2006) et al.(2) The dynamic mechanism of the structure of China’s technology export differs from that of the other developing countries. At national and regional levels, the mounting physical capital stock is the fundamental driving force, but with obvious decreasing marginal utility. (3) Excessive unskilled labor in the capital production sector in the central and western regions, and excessively low export prices in the eastern regions have caused negative effects of the skilled labor in the western region and unskilled labor in the eastern region on local structure of technology export.

Key words: technical structure of exports, physical capital, unskilled labor, skilled labor


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