The use of renminbi for trade and non-trade denomination and settlement
The State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) Taskforce
The use of renminbi for invoicing and settlement intermediaries in foreign-oriented activities is the first step and
footstone of internationalization of the Chinese currency. With the appreciation of renminbi in recent years, there has
been a growth of renminbi invoicing and settlement in China’s border trades, although the overall amount is small and the development momentum is imbalanced among different regions. The main obstacles come from such factors as VAT rebate policy restrictions and foreign exchange control, insufficient financial services, and under-cultivated willingness among enterprises. Looking from the strategic perspective of strengthening macro-adjustment and enhancing the open economy, it is pressing and would be beneficial to China to promote the renminbi’s invoicing and settlement function. Therefore, following the momentum, we should accelerate the construction of a cross-border renminbi clearing system, create non-discriminative treatment in terms of VAT rebate and exchange control policies, and gradually expand the usage of the renminbi from border trades to general trades and outward investment.
Key words:
Renminbi; Invoicing; Settlement; Border trade