A survey on the chronic poverty of peasants in ethnic areas

CHEN Quangong  and CHENG Xi

School of Economics, South-Central University for Nationalities



The authors survey Changyang Tujia Autonomous County and Xuanen County in Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture of Hubei province. According to their results, about one-third of the existing poor population in these areas is stuck in chronic poverty, with few revenue-generating channels, poor physical health and low education levels. Special characteristics of chronic poverty include a tendency to return to poverty and intergenerational poverty transmission. The general causes include adverse natural environments, a shortage of human capital and an imperfect system. To solve chronic poverty quickly and effectively, we should hasten improving local natural conditions, develop more income-generating channels, establish a market shock-defending mechanism and intensify social relief and social security for the rural poor.

Key Words: ethnic areas, chronic poverty, policies


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