Can Emerging Economies Catch-up Sustainably? -An Analysis of BRICS’ Economic Growth Pattern*

Lin Yueqin
Social Sciences in China, Beijing

Abstract: The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) and other emerging economies have become a driving global force for the past twenty years. However, their growth patterns are obsolete, impeding the quality and competitiveness of their economic growth, while simultaneously threatening the sustainability of their economic convergence with developed nations. Transforming the domestic growth pattern – the solution to the middle-income trap – has therefore become a key priority for each of these economies. This paper presents a comparative analysis of how to transform the pattern of economic growth in BRICS and achieve sustainable economic convergence with a comparative analysis of the pattern of economic growth and problems among BRICS countries.
Key words: emerging economies, BRICS countries, transformation of growth pattern, sustaining catch up


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