China Under Resource and Environmental Constraints

Jin Bei



Industrial production is transformation of material resources withthe participation of human beings.It is a process in which natural resources are processed or manufactured into products for consumer or re-processing purposes, and in whichnatural resources are needed to power the processing or manufacturing of products. Therefore, consumption of natural resources is a necessary condition for industrialproduction. Solid, liquid, gas and other wastes resulting from industrial production are bound to affect the natural environment, and thus environmental changes are anotherinevitable result of industrial production. There is a limit to either the degree of consumption of resources, or to that of environmental change (pollution and destruction in particular) that may betolerated. Excessive resource consumption and environmental destruction not only make industrialproduction unsustainable, but alsodestroy the basic conditions forhumanity’s survival. China’s industrialization is a unique process: it isindustrial development with the participation of the largest populationin human history, hence the colossal consumption of resources and itsimpact on the environment.Therefore, China’s industrial development is challenged more severelyby resource and environmental constraints than any other country in the world. In the 21st century, re source and environmental problems are becoming even more serious.This situation is challenging us with a severe question: Whether China c a n b l a z e a n e w t r a i l f o rindustrialization, maintain a sustainable development and achieve its socioeconomic development goals despite severe resource and environmental constraints?


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