Huawei’s American Dream

Dan Steinbock
Research Director of International Business, India, China and America Institute (USA)
Visiting Fellow, Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (China)
Visiting Fellow, EU Center (Singapore)

Abstract: Today, Huawei is a global giant generating over $32 billion in annual revenues,with offices in more than 140 countries. Despite its global success, its expansion efforts have been repeatedly blocked by U.S. government agencies. This, in turn, has contributed to Huawei debates in some other countries as well. How did Huawei become a global leader? Why are some U.S. government agencies anxious about its expansion in America, whereas the marketplace is not? Why does Huawei divide the Congress and the White House? What are the ultimate reasons for the debacle? What are the lessons for Chinese companies and the U.S. government? And why does the closure of the Huawei case matter?
Key words: International trade, global competitiveness, protectionism, cyber security


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