Improvement of Corporate Governance: a Key Issue for Economic Efficiency

LU Tong1 (鲁桐), ZHONG Ji-yin2 (仲继银) and KONG Jie3 (孔杰)

Editorial note:

The separation of ownership and management in modern enterprises has led to a relationship of trust and support being formed between owners and managers. In order to coordinate the conflicts of interest among corporate members, a systematic set of regulations is required to supervise the use of authority and enforce checks and balance. Corporate governance has thus become the focus of China’s capital market. The following article by Professor Lu Tong, Zhong Ji-yin and Kong Jie offers a quantitative analysis upon the corporate government status of the top 100 Chinese listed companies, using a corporate government assessment system. The article compares this year’s assessment results with those of the previous year and points out the problems and challenges faced by Chinese listed companies. From this, an impression can be gained regarding the current state of China’s corporate.


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