Is China Using Up the World’s Resources?

ZHONG Funing1 (钟甫宁)
Editorial note:

The rise to prominence of the Chinese economy represents one of the major events in modern history, with China’s huge population and ever-growing productivity commanding worldwide attention in the process of industrialization. From doubts in previous years over whether the country could feed itself to new accusations of driving up resource prices worldwide, the controversy surrounding China is ongoing. In the following paper, Professor Zhong Funing points out that while China does consume large amounts of the world’s resources, as a net exporter of high energy  consuming products she is by no means consuming more than her fair share. Fundamentally, the behaviour of high-consuming countries is to blame for the excess consumption of resources and the rise in resource prices. This incisive study of the way China consumes resources as a producer rather than a consumer enables us to put the issue into a more objective perspective.


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