Main Factors on Energy Efficiency in East China during 1995-2010: An Analysis Based on the SBM-Tobit Model*
Ji Jianyue 1, Yu Fuyang 1, Jiang Xingkun 2and Luan Shaoshuo 1
1 School of Economics, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China
2 School of Insurance and Economics, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China
Abstract: Applying the slacks-based measure (SBM)-Tobit two-stage model, this paperanalyzes energy efficiency in eastern China. First, the SBM model featured in taking non desired output in calculation was employed to evaluate the energy efficiency in eastern China from 1995 to 2010. The results show that Tianjin, Shanghai and Guangdong have the highest energy efficiency while Hebei has the lowest. Next, we used the panel Tobit model to perform a regression on factors affecting energy efficiency. Our results show that optimizing industrial structure, improving energy structure and enhancing the level of economic reform can contribute to improving energy efficiency. Government influence and technological progress, on the other hand, affect energy efficiency insignificantly. The influence of socio-economic development on the energy efficiency goes from negative to positive, which adheres to the Kuznets curve hypothesis. Our findings are that the socio economic development in eastern China has not yet passed the “turning point of the Kuznets curve”.
Key words: energy efficiency, SBM-Tobit model, eastern region
JEL Classifications: Q40