Review China’s Rural Land Reform: &Prospects

ZHANG Xiaoshan1 ( 张晓山 )

Editorial note:

Land ownership has become the central issue in China’s agricultural reform and development. In essence, the so-called “agriculture, rural areas and farmers” problem is unable to bypass the core issue of land ownership. In this article, Zhang Xiaoshan carries out a review and comparison of certain propositions for land reform, and presents his thoughts upon possible trends on the basis of an in-depth analysis of the evolution of land reform in rural China. Zhang strongly believes that “a well-established rule of law capable of protecting the public’s legitimate interests, a well-developed society of citizens, and a service-oriented government with limited power are the indispensable factors determining the success or failure of China’s rural land reform”; otherwise, China’s rural land reform will reach an inequitable destination no matter how equitable a starting point it took off from.


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