RMB Appreciation, Corporate Behavior and Export Trade:* An Empirical Study Based on A Large Sample of Firm-Level Data during 2005-2009

Zhang Huiqing 1 and Tang Haiyan 2
1 Shanghai Lixin University of Commerce, Shanghai, China
2 Shanghai Lixin University of Commerce; East China Normal University, Shanghai, China

Abstract: This paper sets up a simplified dynamic discrete selection model to analyze two-stage decision of corporate export behavior and influence of exchange rate under the framework of profit maximization. Then we adopt Heckman selection model to estimate general effects and structural effects of RMB appreciation on export based on the sample data of China Industrial Enterprises from 2005 to 2009. Findings reveal that RMB appreciation has exerted a significant negative impact to corporate export through extensive margins and intensive margins. Meanwhile, due to different corporate strategies of heterogeneous enterprises, RMB appreciation cannot achieve the expected effect of “survival of the fittest” and is instead unfavorable to the optimization of export structure. RMB appreciation drives industry structure of export to evolve towards advanced levels to a certain extent. However, such a positive effect mainly derives from the contribution of foreign-funded enterprises while restricting development space of indigenous firms in the sector of advanced manufacturing.
Keywords: RMB appreciation, export behavior, extensive margins, intensive margins,Heckman selection model


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