The Human Capital Return and Social Integration of Migrants in China

Xie Guihua
Department of Sociology, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China

Abstract: From the perspective of migrants’ self-selection and skill transferability theories, this paper compares human capital return rates of different migrant groups in urban China and discuss the possibility of economic status identified by migrants as local labors. Results suggest that positive self-selection works for all types of migrant labors.Migrant workers with non-agricultural household registration or feinong hukou have no trouble to be integrated into the labor market of destination. They even have higher income and human capital return rates than local urban workers. Newly-arrived migrant peasants earn less than local labors. However, after a certain period, the skilled migrant workers catch up with local labors and are economically integrated into the local labor market while the low-skilled migrant group still earns less. Therefore the integration of migrant labors in urban labor market is yet a kind of segregated integration.
Key words: migrant labor, self-selection, skill transfer rate, income difference


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