Factory of the world or “capital of pollution”?
SUN Xiaoyu1( 孙小羽 ) and ZANG Xin2 ( 臧新 )
1Master’s Degree Candidate, School of Economics and Management, Southeast University, Intern of Bank of Nanjing
2Postgraduate Advisor, Associate Professor, School of Economics and Management, Southeast University
By establishing a hybrid-units input-output model, this paper calculates total energy intensity coefficients and total
pollution intensity coefficients of four energy sectors and 23 non-energy sectors. Meanwhile, using export data for
2002-2006, it estimates China’s export-related energy consumption, CO2 emissions and atmospheric pollution. The
results reveal that the more China exports goods and services to other parts of the world, the more energy consumption,CO2 emissions and atmospheric pollutants are transferred to China from outside its borders. The tremendous damage of export-related pollution to China’s economy and the environment deserves serious attention.
Key words:
China’s export, hybrid-units IO model, energy consumption, pollution