Great Social Transformation Afoot in China

WANG Shaoguang ( 王绍光 )
Ph.D. in Political Sciences, Chair Professor at the Department of Government and Public Administration at the
Chinese University of Hong Kong, and a Changjiang Professor in the School of Public Policy and Management at
Tsinghua University


Both the title “Great Transformation” and the subtitle “Double Movement” of this article are borrowed from Karl Polanyi. In 1944, Karl Polanyi published his masterpiece “The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time”. Over six decades after the initial publication of this classic book, “The issues and perspectives Polanyi raises have not lost their salience” and it “often seems as sif Polanyi is speaking directly to present-day issues,” Joseph E. Stiglitz wrote in the foreword to a new edition of this .


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