Growing inequalities call for a flexible yet secure labor market

ZHANG Juwei ( 张车伟 )
Professor, Deputy Director General, Research Institute of Demographic and Labor Economy,
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

This paper examines inequalities in China’s job market. The first section answers the question of whether rapid economic growth in China has created adequate employment, concluding that it has, based on an analysis of aggregate growth and employment data. Section Two presents the general trends in labor supply and demand in China, and concludes that the unlimited labor supply seems to be diminishing, but this does not mark the coming of a labor shortage; in fact, China seems to have a sufficient supply of labor for the next 20 years. Section Three discusses major problems facing the labor market, which include the structural problems of employment, informal employment, and distorted primary income distribution. Section Four argues that a well-functioning labor market must be able to combine flexibility with security in the pursuit of balance between economic growth and employment.
Key words:
Economic growth; Employment; Labor market


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