How Are MNCs Readjusting Their Global Strategies in China’s Marketplace?i

ZHAO Jinghua1(赵景华), HU Naiwu2 (胡乃武) and REN Rong3 (任荣)
1Executive Dean and Professor of the School of Government Management, Central University of Finance and Economics
2Professor and Doctoral Adviser of China Renmin University
3Ph.D. of the School of Management, Shandong University

Editorial note:

Multinational corporations (MNCs) have played an important role in China’s economic development, which has in turn bolstered MNC growth as well. China is the world’s fastest growing economy. With its industrial infrastructure well established, its technological sophistication enhanced and its marketplace expanding and maturing, China has already become an important pillar underpinning the global mission of MNCs. An increasing number of MNCs have realized that “failing to win in China means going south globally”. In this article, the authors conduct an empirical analysis of MNC subsidiary strategies in China over time, and find remarkable changes in MNC subsidiary strategies with a corresponding shift in their strategic emphasis.


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