Policy Recommendations for Balancing Income Distribution

WANG Tongsan1 ( 汪同三 ) and CAI Yuezhou2( 蔡跃洲 )

Editorial note:

China’s economic growth has been primarily driven by the impetus of investment and net export during recent years. Consumption demand has also grown rapidly but is still insufficient compared with the scale of investment and international trade. A generally accepted opinion among academia and practitioners holds that Chinese residents are afraid or unwilling to spend, because of the impact it may have on their future expectations of education, healthcare, pension and housing in the face of an imperfect system of government redistribution. In contrast with the above viewpoint, Wang Tongsan and Cai Yuezhou explore the issue from a new angle and make an in-depth analysis of China’s investment and export driven economic growth from the perspective of primary distribution and corporate profitability potentials.


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