Problems in Post-crisis Employment for Migrant Workers Remain Unsolved

JIN Sanlin

Ph.D in Economics, Development Research Center of the State Council


As indicated by a survey of 105 villages in 19 provinces and cities, the 2008 international financial crisis had a serious impact on migrant workers’ employment, which is prominently manifested in their earlier return to their hometowns, the dismissal of 20 percent of migrant workers from their jobs and a considerable decline in their wages. Thanks to a series of policies the state adopted to ensure growth and expand consumption, migrant workers soon got re-employed. However, some deep-rooted problems surrounding the issue of migrant workers’ employment came to light as a result of this crisis. These problems need to be solved on an urgent basis, though it will involve a considerable amount of hard work over an extended period of time. While this will require a combination of transitional measures and long-range strategies, the employment of migrant workers should also be incorporated as a fundamental part of the undertaking to ensure economic growth, adjusting the industrial structure, transforming the development mode and pushing forward with the reform.

Key Words:

international financial crisis, migrant workers’ employment, structural reform, countermeasures


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