Special Economic Zones Blaze New Trails

XU Xianxiang1( 徐现祥 ) and CHEN Xiaofei2( 陈小飞 )
1,2 Lingnan College, Sun Yat-Sen University
Editorial note:Over the past 30 years, China has registered an annual average economic growth rate of nearly 10% since reform and opening up was launched in the late 1970s. As a result of sustainable and rapid growth for three decades, China has made unprecedented strides in economic growth – almost unparalleled in human history. Special economic zone experimentation and demonstration have played a significant role in sustaining rapid economic growth. In this article, the authors present a systematic review of the origin and evolution of special economic zones (SEZs) in China as well as a theoretical elaboration of the intrinsic mechanism of SEZ experimentation and the effects on national economic development by way of an “experimentation – experience – dissemination – convergence” approach.


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