He Jun* Institute of Industrial Economics (IIE), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Beijing, China Abstract: Mainstream industrial policy research cannot fully explain how governmentinterventions have helped China’s mobile communications industry catch up with andovertake those of advanced nations. China’s ...
Fan Gang* Peking University HSBC Business School; National Economic Research Institute (NERI), Beijing, China Abstract: To achieve development, developing countries must capitalize on their relativeadvantages, including comparative advantage and latecomer advantages. A country mustdevelop an industrial structure that is consistent ...
Xu Xianchun1, and Liu Jinyu*2 1 National School of Development (NSD), Peking University, Beijing, China 2 Department of Macroeconomic Research, Development Research Center of the State Council, Beijing Abstract: According to the Report to the 20th National Congress of the ...
Wu Xiaobo, and Wu Dong* School of Management, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China Abstract: Since the adoption of the reform and opening-up policy in 1978, China haspursued an innovation-driven development strategy. After decades of catching up withadvanced nations, China is taking ...
Liu Jiejiao*1,2, Wang Xuye3, and Liu Bingbing3 1 Business School, Jiangxi Institute of Fashion Technology, Nanchang, China 2 Institute of Industrial Economics (IIE), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Beijing, China 3 School of Applied Economics, University of the ...
Ren Baoping* School of Digital Economy and Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China Abstract: China has moved into a new phase of developing a high-standard marketsystem, one that features robust commodity and factor markets, as well as price and marketregulation systems. ...
Wei Houkai, and Lu Qianwen* Rural Development Institute (RDI), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Beijing, China Abstract: The countryside is both a priority and a challenge in China’s efforts to increasedomestic demand. The growth of rural demand is essential ...
Zhang Bo, and Sun Tao* School of Economics at Shandong University, The Center for Economic Research at Shandong University, Jinan, China Abstract: China’s financial system is characterized by the coexistence of both formaland informal finance, and informal finance appears to ...
Wang Mingyi, and Liu Xiaoyu* School of International Trade and Economics, Shandong University of Finance and Economics, Jinan, China Abstract: The National High-tech Zone (NHTZs) is an important strategic platform forcultivating high-tech industries and realizing high-quality economic development in China.Based ...
Luo Chuliang, Gao Tianyi, and Zou Xianqiang* School of Labor and Human Resources, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China Abstract: Initial labor market conditions affect how individuals build their humancapital and look for jobs and thus can have long-term effects ...