
Li Xiangyang (李向阳)* National Institute of International Strategy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (NIIS CASS), Beijing, China Abstract: Based on the existing research regarding China’s economic diplomacy, this study creates a theoretical structure for economic diplomacy with Chinese characteristics that ...

Zhang Yongsheng* University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (UCASS), Beijing, China Research Institute for Eco-civilization(RIEco), CASS Abstract: The key of environmental governance is to tackle the environment-development relationship so to achieve sustainability. This paper reveals that the traditional ...

Zheng Xiaodong (郑晓冬) *, Shangguan Shuangyue (上官霜月), Chen Dian (陈典) and Fang Xiangming (方向明) School of Economics, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou, China Abstract: China’s anti-poverty strategy in the post-2020 era will focus on reducingchronic poverty and alleviating relative poverty. As ...