China’s New Energy Industry: KeyCharacteristics and CompetitiveAdvantages

Wang Wenju1, Chen Zhenling*2

1 School of Economics, Capital University of Economics and Business (CUEB), Beijing, China

2 School of Economics, Beijing Technology and Business University (BTBU) , Beijing, China

Abstract: In recent years, China’s burgeoning exports of “new three” products haveled some Western media outlets and politicians to falsely claim that China is experiencingovercapacity in the new energy sector. These entities and individuals have advocated forcountervailing investigations into China’s new energy products, increased tariffs, and otheranti-free trade measures. To address such unfounded criticisms, we have outlined threemajor contributions of China’s new energy industry to the world. Building upon a summaryof the three evolving characteristics and seven competitive strengths of the industry, wepresent policy recommendations for the high-quality development of China’s new energyindustry. Our findings provide a factual basis to refute the unfounded claims of certainWestern countries.

Keywords: New energy industry, development characteristics, competitive advantages,

JEL Classification Codes: Q43, Q47, O13

DOI: 10.19602/j.chinaeconomist.2024.11.03

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